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Vaping impacts all students in a school - even those who choose not to vape. Educators play a vital role in teaching students and families about the risks of vaping, helping to prevent students from vaping, and developing district-wide tobacco-free policies.

Children’s Wisconsin physician, Dr. Louella Amos, highlights the importance of vaping education.

What is vaping?

Vaping is breathing in a vapor that usually contains a liquid, nicotine, and other chemicals, and then breathing that vapor out. THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, can also be vaped. Vapes are a newer tobacco company product that are more popular with kids and teens than cigarettes, and vaping is becoming an epidemic in schools across the country.

vaping device on wood backgroundIn Wisconsin, 32 percent of high school students and 11 percent of middle school students have tried vaping, according to the Department of Health Services. Of the middle school students who have tried it, 96 percent of them did so before they turned 13. It is important for teachers, families, and students to know the risks and cost of vaping to prevent them from trying it.

Vape devices are small, easy to hide, and they run on batteries. Devices are often customizable and can be difficult to spot. There are even companies hiding harmful vaping devices in everyday things like phone cases, pens, smart watches, and hoodies. It’s important to be aware of these devices and to know how to spot them.

Learn more about vaping, access engaging vaping prevention classroom activities, and find valuable vaping resources to share with families:

Vaping 101 Classroom Activities Resources to Share

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