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Act Now! 5th Grade

Act Now! logoIn this fun and interactive e-learning program, fifth grade students learn about the basics of bullying, its effects, and how to prevent it. While delving into the three elements of ACT: Action, Care, and Tell, they will also be able to identify factors present in bullying situations, demonstrate positive role modeling behaviors, and they are introduced to cyberbullying. Students will view short online lessons, watch engaging videos, and play educational games that will give them the opportunity to practice the skills they have learned.

Delivery Method

In this self-directed course, the delivery method is blended, utilizing a combination of online lessons and activities, and offline classroom activities.

Target Course Length

The target course length is approximately 3 hours, including online time, and offline time for classroom activities.


After completing Act Now! 5th Grade, students will be able to:

  • Identify the three factors usually present in bullying as 1) intentional, 2) repeated over time, and 3) imbalance of power.
  • Describe at least three qualities in a good friend.
  • Differentiate between bullying and non-bullying behaviors given written scenarios or video clips of behaviors.
  • Identify the three roles (bully, victim, bystander) in an act of bullying, when shown video clips of bullying behavior.
  • Give at least one example of cyberbullying.
  • Demonstrate assertiveness using two types of comebacks in two different bullying situations through role play.
  • Demonstrate, in a role play situation, how to resist pressure from friends to participate in bullying.
  • List at least two trusted adults that they can go to if they need help.
  • Write a response demonstrating care to a “Dear Abby” letter on bullying.
  • Distinguish between tattling and telling given a written scenario.
  • Demonstrate advocacy by being a role model to younger students in the school. 

Sample Activity

Bullying Lesson

Real Life Confessions

Real Life Confessions teaches students how to show that they care and support those involved in bullying situations.

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