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Healthy Minds 6th Grade

Healthy Minds LogoHealthy Minds 6th Grade is an important middle-school level course in a continuum of mental and emotional health e-learning courses for K-8 students created by Children's Wisconsin. The middle school years can prove to be a challenging time for some, and this engaging course provides a look at what makes a healthy mind,  and teaches students strategies to improve their mental and emotional health. Students will learn why and how their feelings change during adolescence, along with healthy ways to express and deal with those feelings. They will also learn about stress and how to deal with common stressors during adolescence. Relationships will also be discussed, as well as the many influences on their mental and emotional health, both positive and negative. As students move through the course, they will learn the important skills needed to help them lead healthy lives, such as analyzing influences and communicating effectively. 

Delivery Method

In this self-directed course, the delivery method is blended, utilizing a combination of online lessons and activities, and offline classroom activities.

Target Course Length

The target course length is approximately 3 to 4 hours, including online time, and offline time for classroom activities.


After completing Healthy Minds 6th Grade, in its entirety, students will be able to:

  • Identify at least two trusted adults that they can talk to about their feelings, or any mental health concerns they may have.
  • Explain how emotions can change during adolescence.
  • Describe how social media can negatively impact mental and emotional health.
  • Identify at least one role model that demonstrates positive mental and emotional health.
  • Identify personal stressors at home, in school, and with friends.
  • Differentiate between positive and negative ways of dealing with stress.
  • Identify positive ways to deal with stress that they may be dealing with in their own life.
  • Describe what a healthy relationship may look like.
  • Differentiate between healthy and unhealthy relationships.

Sample Activity

Which characteristics do you see? activitythumbnail

Which Characteristics Do You See? activity

In this activity, students watch three teens each talk about a relationship they are in and then identify which characteristics they think are present in that relationship.

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